Plastic Foams
Inquiries about the Products
Product Name
Main Features
PVA Sponge (Polyvinyl Alchohol)
The porous material of PVA brings out various functions for the reason of its characteristics: continuous open pores, highly absorption & retention of water, soft, supple and resilient feature.
Manufacturer:Aion Co., Ltd.
Scrubbing, Water / liquid absorption, Wiping Material, Medical supplies, etc.
Product Name
Main Features
Polyurethane Sponge
This special urethane sponge has a continuous fine pore structure, high porosity and good water absorption, heat resistance, and chemical resistance allowing it to be used in a wide range of environments. Can be supplied in roller, sheet and block form, therefore the sponges can be used in all sorts of production machinery and devices.
Manufacturer:Aion Co., Ltd.
Scrubbing, Water / liquid absorption, Coating, etc.
Product Name
Main Features
Polyolefin Sponge
Porous material made from PE/EVA. Resistance to strong acid and strong alkali. Various application for absorption, liquid retaining, wiping, filtration. Can be supplied in roller and sheet form.
Manufacturer:Aion Co., Ltd.
Water / liquid absorption, Filtration, Coating, etc.