For Lubricating Food Equipment
Combustion Aid
Antirust / Thickener
Oil for Inspection and Measurement

Product Name

For Lubricating Food Equipment
Combustion Aid
Antirust / Thickener
Oil for Inspection and Measurement



For Lubricating Food Equipment

It is composed of highly safe raw materials that consider the effects on the human body. Lubricants that use ingredients that are compliant with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and that are approved for contact with food.


Manufacturer:Sonneborn LLC


Trade name Generic name Kinematic viscosity
Acquired certification
KLEAROL Liquid paraffin 7-10 H1, HX-1, 3H
CARNATION Liquid paraffin 10-14 H1, HX-1, 3H
KAYDOL Liquid paraffin 63-70 H1, HX-1, 3H
HYDROBRITE 380 PO Liquid paraffin 70-90 H1, HX-1, 3H


Trade name Generic name Kinematic viscosity
Acquired certification
WHITE PROTOPET 1S White petrolatum 10.2-15.5 H1, HX-1
YELLOW PROTOPET 2A Yellow petrolatum 11.6-18.0 H1, HX-1

H1:Items that should not come into contact with food but are safe for contamination.

H2:Items that should never come into contact with food. However, it can be used inside or around a food factory where no food is placed.

H3:Items that are used to prevent rust, etc. on hooks for hanging meat in meat factories, etc., and not used for the purpose of coming into contact with food. Items that can be eaten, such as soybean oil.

3H:Items that are used for the purpose of direct contact with food, such as vegetable oil used to prevent sticking on grills, frying pans, etc.

HX-1:A semi-finished product used for lubricating oil for food machinery. Same requirements as H1.


Combustion Aid

By adding it to fuel for boilers and ship engines, it gives the effect of suppressing damage caused by fuel.


Manufacturer:TEKAT Ltd.


Trade name Generic name Fe content
Flash point
Pour point
FE18210.01 Organic iron-based combustion aid >17.50 >62 <-20
Trade name Generic name Metal content
Flash point
Pour point
MG20240.01 Organomagnesium Combustion Aid >20.00 >62 <18
MG20250.01 Organomagnesium Combustion Aid >20.00 >62 <18

Manufacturer:LANXESS Corporation


Trade name Generic name Mg content
(mg KOH/g)
Flash point
Hybase M-14D Mg sulfonate 14.2 640 100

Antirust / Thickener

It forms a film to prevent rust when applied to metal surfaces.


Manufacturer:Yamabun Yuka Co., Ltd.


Trade name Generic name Color Consistency (%) Melting point(℃)
Petrolatum YA Petrolatum Yellowish brown 110±15 70±5
Petrolatum YR Petrolatum Dark brown 115±15 70±5
Petrolatum 6901P Petrolatum Dark greenish brown 90±15 82±5
Petrolatum No.5 Petrolatum Pale yellowish brown 180±20 53±5
Industrial white petrolatum No.7 Petrolatum Pale yellow 180±20 54±5

Oil for Inspection and Measurement

Calibration fluid for diesel engines certified by BOSCH.


Manufacturer:Rock Valley Oil & Chemical Co.


Trade name Specific gravity 15.56℃ Kinematic viscosity 40℃ (cSt) Flash point (℃)
VCF1487 0.819~0.824 2.45~2.60 75